Description: The SWYCS concept stands for integration of health, welfare, building maintenance, systems, ICT and energy management. This integrated platform offers an extremely effective and efficient environment to guarantee the …
DA: 45 PA: 61 MOZ Rank: 79
Description: 3 producten specifiek voor energieleveranciers 3 producten specifiek voor energieleveranciers Hoe werkt het?1. Energy Dashboard 1. Energy Dashboard Actuele weergave verbruik Klant heeft eigen web-portal met verbruiksgegevens Eenvoudige instap: geen hardware nodig Eenvoudige admin: u geeft ons de EAN code door SWYCS is ODA: wij halen de data van de slimme meter Big data analyse voor Partner2. Energy Monitoring 2. Energy Monitoring Complete monitoring Tool Extra benefits voor de klant en voor de Partner: Web-portal uitgebreid met real time metingen Monitoring van tussenmeters en alle andere sensoren. Bijvoorbeeld waterverbruik, temperatuur, CO2, Lux etc
DA: 51 PA: 9 MOZ Rank: 22
Description: SWYCS makes Energy neutral easy SWYCS gives housing associations, homeowners and tenants optimum insight into the sustainability of their property. All smart meters are read out remotely and an integrated Energy neutral base cabinet from SWYCS will enable you to monitor all relevant equipment and devices.
DA: 99 PA: 41 MOZ Rank: 23
Description: SWYCS receives certificate zero-on-the-meter Monitoring! This week the ' Energy Performance Monitoring standard ' certificate was launched at the Energy trade Fair. We are proud that our SWYCS monitoring solution was directly eligible for this certification and that we were able to receive it as one of the first.
DA: 36 PA: 37 MOZ Rank: 41
Description: SWYCS Energy Monitoring SWYCS is ODA certified (NL: Onafhankelijke Diensten Aanbieder) which means that we are authorized to receive and process the data from the utility companies (electricity, natural gas and water). The user data of every individual building is online available and presented in a clear dashboard.
DA: 24 PA: 76 MOZ Rank: 89
Description: Indoor Smart Grid - SWYCS. Significant energy savings can be obtained by monitoring, analysing and optimizing run-time of high-power equipment used in manufacturing and industrial processes, such as zoned cooling or heating units, water pumps and area lighting. At large sites where the electrical supply contract contains peak demand penalties ... login
loginDA: 44 PA: 89 MOZ Rank: 77
Description: on or off, turn on the washing machine, monitor energy and water usage, open or close a window, and more, "says Tristan Chater, Project Manager at Dura Vermeer. Dura Vermeer wants to offer more and more of this type of integrated services in the future.
DA: 68 PA: 28 MOZ Rank: 27
Description: ICT and energy management. This integrated platform offers an extremely effective and efficient environment to guarantee the security, welfare and comfort of the users of a building for a reasonable price. The full SWYCS infrastructure consists of three components: 1. SWYCS multi-protocol gateway The unique multi-protocol SWYCS gateway
DA: 36 PA: 61 MOZ Rank: 48
Description: Create a login for NABP e-Profile and set up an individual account. Access to your CPE Monitor data will be available within 24-48 hours of your initial e-Profile setup. Choose a plan that is right for you. There are two options: standard or plus. If choosing plus, complete the upgrade process on your desktop. SWYCS
SWYCSDA: 93 PA: 96 MOZ Rank: 73
Description: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. SWYCS . Energy Monitor
SWYCS · Energy MonitorDA: 80 PA: 61 MOZ Rank: 80
Description: /external_services/samsung_smart_home/auth/pc/sign_in?redirect_on_fail_uri=&redirect_on_success_uri= Energy Monitor
Energy MonitorDA: 8 PA: 34 MOZ Rank: 94
Description: The simple calculator is composed of the Energy Buttons (plus and minus), End Turn button, Reset Button and the Undo Button. The simple energy calculator also has an Arena Tracker. In order to keep track of your opponent's energy, you simply click on the plus or minus button. You add one energy whenever your opponent uses/loses energy. SWYCS . login
SWYCS · loginDA: 28 PA: 43 MOZ Rank: 91
Description: monitoring or action is necessary. The goal of the . SWYC. is not to make a diagnosis or to dictate need for referral, but to add information to help guide professional judgments. The SWYC: User’s Manual Executive Summary . Version 1.01, 3/4/16 5 Energy Monitor
Energy MonitorDA: 4 PA: 90 MOZ Rank: 87
Description: Jul 22, 2021 . The Innovation Monitor is a continuously updated database, in use since 2014 and online since 2018, providing information on innovative Swiss startups, projects and companies in the environment and energy business sectors. The core focuses on active startups and project ideas that might become startups, and will expand to innovative SME and ... SWYCS
SWYCSDA: 35 PA: 92 MOZ Rank: 75
Description: The purpose of this repo is to test, allow the implementation of, further develop and document the Energy Performance Monitoring API developed by Stroomversnelling, Enermatics, Lens, Fifthplay, Swycs and Enervalis. This API is developed as part of the monitoring norm ( for net-zero energy housing (nul-op-de-meter), initially for The Ne… SWYCS
The purpose of this repo is to test, allow the implementation of, further develop and document the Energy Performance Monitoring API developed by Stroomversnelling, Enermatics, Lens, Fifthplay, Swycs and Enervalis. This API is developed as part of the monitoring norm ( for net-zero energy housing (nul-op-de-meter), initially for The Ne…SWYCSDA: 81 PA: 42 MOZ Rank: 67
Description: DAT IS SWYCS DE PARTNER VOOR IoT INFRASTRUCTUUR in SMART BUILDINGS; DIT JAAR COMMUNICEREN over NIEUWE PARTNERSHIPS in NL. EN INTERNATIONALE ROLL OUT in EUROPA en daarbuiten; INIT building in Amsterdam, 35.000 m2 commercial building. We have been monitoring this building for years now and we the owner allowed us to give the …
DA: 79 PA: 55 MOZ Rank: 78
Description: SWYCS: bedien je gebouw vanaf je telefoon. - Schakel en koppel slimme apparaten. - Maak plattegronden met apparaten. - Stel regels in om de apparaten met elkaar te laten praten. Let op: Deze app kan alleen worden gebruikt als u over een geldig SWYCS-account beschikt. Apparaten toevoegen is alleen… Energy Monitor
Energy MonitorDA: 94 PA: 2 MOZ Rank: 94
Description: Through innovative, reliable products and services, and a responsible approach to business, Samsung is taking the world in imaginative new directions. SWYCS . Energy Monitor
SWYCS · Energy MonitorDA: 27 PA: 59 MOZ Rank: 68
Description: THE perfect smart waste solution for every smart city. No litter, less CO2 and lower costs. That is Mr. Fill’s mission. We do this with a smart solar compacting bin, a smart underground compactor and a smart sensor. All of our products communicate with the Smart City Manager, a platform for every smart city. More information. SWYCS . login
SWYCS · loginDA: 82 PA: 90 MOZ Rank: 12