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1. Translate from English to Jamaican
Description: With this patois translator/patwa translator you will be able to learn Jamaican phrases by translating phrase such as how are you or hello and in due time you will be able to create your own jamaica pharses. By using this tool for sometime you will be able to speak like a jamaican.
DA: 42 PA: 39 MOZ Rank: 74
2. Login to Jamaicanize
Description: Jamaicanize is simple English to Jamaican Patois (Patwa) Translator. Welcome Back! Forgot your password? Create a Jamaicanize account
DA: 62 PA: 77 MOZ Rank: 80
3. Jamaican to English Translator - Jamaican Patwah
Description: Free online translation from English into Jamaican Patois and back, English-Jamaican Patois dictionary with transcription, pronunciation, and examples of usage. Jamaican Patwah
DA: 53 PA: 76 MOZ Rank: 11
4. Jamaicanize - Jamaican Patois Translator
Description: 10 rows . Our online Jamaican Patois translator makes it fun to learn and translate English to …
DA: 44 PA: 78 MOZ Rank: 25
5. Google Translate
Description: Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
DA: 26 PA: 87 MOZ Rank: 3
6. Jamaican Patois Language Translator
Description: Jamaican Patois Language Translator for free. Jamaicanize makes it easy to learn the Jamaican Patois language and translate English to Jamaican Patois - also known as creole, patwah, and patwa
DA: 12 PA: 16 MOZ Rank: 8
7. Jamaican Translator on the App Store
Description: Jan 05, 2020 . Jamaican Translator, allows you currently to translate from standard English to Jamaican Patois. Learn more about our language by doing quizzes about interesting topics. Translate and send your translations with your favorite Instant Messaging app to friends, families or even Jamaican …
DA: 21 PA: 57 MOZ Rank: 12
8. Login - Jamaican Patwah: Patois/Creole and Slang Dictionary
Description: Jamaican Patwah is a free online dictionary that contains patois words, definitions, translations, alternative spellings and examples.
DA: 20 PA: 55 MOZ Rank: 1
9. LingoJam | Make a Translator Online!
Description: LingoJam | Make a Translator Online! Welcome to LingoJam, a website. where you can create your own translator. Simply click the button below, start adding translation rules, and you'll have a shareable online translator. No signup needed! Create a Translator.
DA: 63 PA: 26 MOZ Rank: 67
10. Popular Jamaican Translations - Jamaican Patois Language
Description: Popular Jamaican Translations. Here is a list of the most popular translations to get you started. Popular on Jamaicanize # Phrase Translation; 1: Are going to do it: Yuh gwine dweet: 2: What you doing: Weh yuh a do: 3: This is cool: Dis is cool mon: 4: What are you doing: Wah yuh …
DA: 20 PA: 37 MOZ Rank: 32
11. Jamaican Translation Services - English to Jamaican
Description: No matter what your Jamaican translation needs are, Translation Services USA can provide for them. Jamaican Language Facts: Jamaican, also known to as Jamaican Patois, is an English/African-based language—not to be confused with Jamaican English nor with the Rastafarian use of English—used primarily on the island of Jamaica.
DA: 23 PA: 46 MOZ Rank: 79
12. Jamaican Patwah - Patois/Creole and Slang Dictionary
Description: Oct 28, 2021 . Jamaican Patwah is a free online dictionary that contains patois words, definitions, translations, alternative spellings and examples.
DA: 67 PA: 42 MOZ Rank: 52
13. Translation of Jamaican in English
Description: Jamaican Patois, known locally as Patois (Patwa or Patwah) and called Jamaican Creole by linguists, is an English-based creole language with West African influences (a majority of loan words of Akan origin) spoken primarily in Jamaica and the Jamaican diaspora. The language developed in the 17th century, when slaves from West and Central Africa were exposed to, learned and nativized the ...
DA: 37 PA: 42 MOZ Rank: 68
14. Hire Spanish to English Translators in Jamaica - Upwork
Description: Oct 16, 2021 . Hire the best freelance Spanish to English Translators in Jamaica on Upwork™, the world’s top freelancing website. It’s simple to post your job and we’ll quickly match you with the top Spanish to English Translators in Jamaica for your Translation Spanish English project.
DA: 53 PA: 77 MOZ Rank: 6
16. Jamaican Translator - Home | Facebook
Description: Jamaican Translator. 2,754 likes · 6 talking about this. A Beta Jamaican translator, that can help you learn Jamaican Creole. N.B this is a beta still work in progress so it isn't 100% correct all...
DA: 74 PA: 15 MOZ Rank: 25
17. Jamaican Patois Android and iPhone App
Description: Translate English to Jamaican Patwa (Patois) with our Jamaican Translator iPhone and android app. Jamaicanize. Download Jamaicanize. Translate English to Jamaican Patois on the go with the Jamaicanize mobile app. What's New in Version 4.0. Faster translations; Phrasebook - …
DA: 51 PA: 95 MOZ Rank: 71
18. Pt3- How to Speak the Jamaican Language- Easy Guidelines
Description: OPEN ME:Watch in HD, as Jaynia of teaches some easy rules/guidelines for how to translate words beginning with CA/KA/GA, as w...
DA: 37 PA: 59 MOZ Rank: 50
19. Jamaican Translator - Posts | Facebook
Description: Jamaican Translator is feeling motivated. January 6, 2020 ·. Please check out our new apps the best part is they can work offline 😁. More updates coming soon lookout for more quiz content, audio quizzes, and dark mode just to name a few and please feel free to give us suggestions and feedback on our app so we can improve your experience.
DA: 23 PA: 83 MOZ Rank: 49